Dublin, Tuesday 22nd of January 2019 – Realtime Technologies Ltd. announced that its Réaltra Space Systems Engineering Division has been awarded a contract from German space company OHB System AG to design, develop and deliver the PayLoad Interface Unit (PLIU) for the European Space Agency (ESA) PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) mission that will be launched in 2026.
The PayLoad Interface Unit (PLIU), that will be designed and built by the team at Réaltra and Realtime in Dublin, will be the largest space electronics hardware contribution and the largest ever single contract awarded to an Irish company for an ESA Science mission.

The Réaltra division of Realtime Technologies Ltd. was pre-selected by OHB System AG, the German company that will integrate, test and delivers the PLATO spacecraft to ESA, to join their industrial team for the PLATO mission, based on the capabilities and skills of the people working in Réaltra and Realtime. Working in space demands the highest engineering and manufacturing standards and the challenge of providing space-qualified electronic systems for such a prestigious scientific mission will not be easily met. The PLIU developed in Réaltra will provide the thermal control system for the telescopes on the PLATO spacecraft to help underpin the mission’s objective of understanding how our Universe was formed, and whether life exists outside of our own solar system. Furthermore, the contract will support an increase in high-quality employment in design, engineering and manufacturing roles here in north Dublin and in the supply chain companies located around Ireland.

John Halligan TD, Minister for Training, Skills, Innovation, Research and Development at the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, who announced the contract award, said “I am delighted to be here today to announce the signing of this significant contract between OHB System AG and Réaltra to provide the PayLoad Interface Unit for ESA’s PLATO mission. The awarding of this contract is a significant achievement for Réaltra and demonstrates how Irish space companies can succeed in the delivery of cutting-edge space technologies.
Paddy White, CEO, Realtime Technologies Ltd., said “We are very proud that our Réaltra division in Realtime Technologies has been selected by OHB to join their industrial team for the delivery of the historic PLATO mission spacecraft to ESA. Our selection for a critical role in the PLATO space mission by OHB is a testament to the hard work, deep experience and high standards displayed by our staff.”